Meet the Family – Part 1

It was a bright sunny morning. The sweet sound of birds chirping by the window stilt made Sonia to slowly open her eyes. She was startled by the sound of the constant bickering between her brother, Sameer and mom, Mrs. Menon. Her day was not complete with her dad, Mr. Menon constantly asking for his wallet for the fourth time. Her Mom was rushing through the morning to her usual busy morning rush.

Making everyone’s breakfast, tiffin and finding their stuffs in between. Sonia got up from her bed to help her mom and saw her glaring at her. Actually, it was quite late and everyone was getting annoyed along with her. Sonia immediately hugged her mom as an apology till she got a smile from her mom. she helped her brother with his files and shoes. As she was searching for his one pair of socks, her eyes laid on the invitation on the side table.

She asked her Dad regarding it.

“Dad, what’s this invitation for?” she asked.

“Hm, oh that’s for the annual xxx community meet” her Dad replied.

“Oh, where is it this year?” she asked.

“It’s at the xxx hall.” He spoke.

“Oh, it’s on this Saturday. But guess I can’t come, since I have my office party that day.” She spoke.

“But dear, we all are supposed to go there. You know that, right?” her dad asked.

“I know that Dad, but I can’t avoid going to my office party. Since it is from our department and I am also a part of the organising committee. Sorry dad.” She requested.

“Ok, don’t you remember you are also supposed to get your award for your achievement for excelling in your graduation. It is on that day!” he replied.

“Is it on that day! Ugh, how can I forget that!” she grumbled.

“Yes! And you have to be there” he explained.

“Can they postpone the event to some other day? Can they?!!” She curiously asked her dad glancing at her mom and brother (who was constantly grinning at his sister’s situation.).

Sonia glared at him with anger.

He just teased her saying “don’t look at me like that! It is your problem. Deal with it!” he scoffed.

“I know that...you can’t be of any help to me...but yourself!” she replied with an annoying look.

“Humph! Whatever. Mom I am getting late. Where’s my other sock?” he asked his mom.

“Sonia was searching for it. Sonia did you get it?” she asked her daughter.

“Oh, here it is, Mom!” she gave the sock to her.

She turned to her dad awaiting his reply to her query.

“So, dad, is it possible?!” she asked her dad again.

“Hm. I don’t think so, dear. It is all set and planned. We can’t help it. You have to attend it. Just tell your office regarding it, they will understand. Don’t worry. If anything, else, I will call your office, explaining them the situation. Hmm.” Her dad assured her.

“it’s okay, dad. I will speak with them and try to get out of the office party.” She assured her dad, as she never goes against the will of her most favourite person – Her dad.

“Ok, well bye then” her dad left for his office followed by her brother.

They always left for work at 8 am sharp in the morning.

Sonia went to help her mother with the rest of the work.

“Ok, mom, I will get ready for office. Please pack my tiffin coz I am already late.” She requested her mom.

“Why do you get up so late. I told you not to stay up late watching movies! Didn’t I?” her mom was furious while filling her tiffin box.

“Mom, it was my favourite movie!” she rushed to the bathroom.

“You can always watch it later, right! It’s not like you can’t? Hm. Now who is late for office?” her mom angrily replied her.

“Sorry mom!” she replied from the bathroom.

“Sorry, Huh!? Get ready fast. Don’t want to be late again.” Her mom grumbled.

Sonia hurriedly got ready putting her office clothes with light makeup. She doesn’t like heavy makeup. Her makeup routine was just moisturiser with eyeliner and lip gloss.

She grabbed her bag and stuffed her tiffin inside it and bid her mom bye and left for work.

In Menon’s office.

“We have to get that order asap before the other party, coz we are a little back in our schedule.” Sameer said to his dad.

Dad was tensed with the proposal as it was higher than their usual quotation. But they wanted this as it was from one of the big giants of their business.

Sameer assured his dad to go ahead with the proposal as it was pivotal for their business goodwill.

“You are right. We have to try our best to get that proposal.” Dad agreed.

The office door opened with Mr. Nair greeting his best friend – Mr. Menon.

They were friends for a long time and at times even partnered various business proposal in the past. The same being disliked by Sameer.

The reason was Mr. Nair’s son – Vinay. He was known to be arrogant, cold and very strict person. He was very disciplined unlike Sameer who was his parents’ pampered son.

Vinay had gone to the states to complete his higher studies to help his dad in his business. Just few weeks back he had returned from the states with honours in his MBA. His dad was very proud of him.

Mr. Nair greeted Mr. Menon with a hug and patted Sameer’s back asking his wellbeing.

“All is fine, Uncle.” He causally replied.

“That’s good, son. Well, Menon have you considered the xxx-company proposal yet? We can partner you know, like usual.” He asked Mr. Menon who was glancing at his son.

“Uncle, I think we can work on this proposal individually, as we want to take it as a challenge for our business goodwill.” He causally replied.

“I understand Sameer. For that only I am telling. We can work as a team. I assure you that you can have the bigger share of the profit. I won’t ask for a commission.” He chuckled.

“I appreciate your approach, uncle. But this time we want to try from our individual side. Hope you understand.” He replied.

“Anyway, think about it Menon. You know the downs of not getting this proposal. I just want to help you out.” he asked for Mr. Menon’s approval.

“I will think about it and tell you within 2 days. Ok?” Mr. Menon replied in a friendly manner.

“That’s good.” Mr. Nair nodded in agreement.

Sameer meanwhile glanced at his father for disagreement.

His dad ignored it. Just at that time, the office door opened revealing a tall and handsome man entering the cabin with a smile on his face.

“Oh, Vinay! You are just in time. Meet my best friend Mr. Menon and this is his son Sameer.” Mr. Nair side hugged his son and addressed to Mr. Menon and Sameer.

“Hello uncle, nice to meet you. Sameer you too.” Vinay casually shaked their hands with a warm smile.

“Vinay, long time since we met. I think it was 3 years back, right?” Mr. Menon enquired.

“Yes uncle, I had gone to the states to complete my training. I returned just few weeks back.” He replied.

“That’s good. What are your plans for your future?” Mr. Menon enquired.

“Well, I am hoping to join my dad in his business and assist him for the same. Hoping to become a successful businessman like him.” He replied.

All this time, Sameer was just working through his files and laptop trying to ignore his dads and Vinay’s talks.

When suddenly he was interrupted by Vinay asking him his wellbeing.

“Oh, I am good, just busy with work.” Sameer replied in an uninterested manner.

Sameer was hardworking, smart and agile, unlike Vinay who had no experience in the field. Sameer on the other hand had years of experience. Before joining his dad, he had worked in many corporates to gain the practical experience in the field. Vinay was busy concentrating on completing his training and was little experienced than Sameer. But Vinay was a fast learner and disciplined with the urge to learn new techniques, always equipped with high tech knowledge in the field.

Both their fathers were extremely proud of their sons.

With that Mr. Nair and his son left their office.

Sonia’s office.

She was about to enter her director’s cabin to ask his permission for a day off from the office party. Frankly, she was scared as she has never asked for a day off in her entire office tenure.

As she entered the cabin, the director was speaking on the call asking for approval from the person on the other side of the call.

She waited for the call to end.

“Ok, then it is decided then. See you at the party then. Bye.” He cut the call.

“Oh, here you are Sonia, just in time. We have to discuss the seating as some additions have to be done. Oh, why are you standing?! Please take a seat.” He asked her.

“Thank you, Sir. I just wanted to ask you about the event as well.” She spoke in a soft tone.

“Yes, go ahead.” He was glancing through his files while answering her.

“Sir, can I take an off on this Saturday?” she asked.

“This Saturday! But our office event is this Saturday. How is it possible, Sonia” he asked.

She explained to him the reason behind her leave. He was nodding the whole time.

“Well, if that is the case, guess you have to there for your parents. Okay you can take the day off. But make sure that you arrange everything before you take the day off and assign your responsibilities to someone before you take a leave. Okay?” he replied

“Thank you so much, sir. I know you would understand. Yes Sir, I will make all the arrangements before I take the leave. Don’t worry.” She gave her best smile.

“That’s good. So, lets discuss the seating arrangements!” he asked.

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An Ardent reader attempting to write her thoughts and experience