Unexpected Meeting

At Nair’s residence

Knock, knock.

“Yes, come in” he replied.

“We thought you would have slept” Reena, his Sister-in-law with his brother entered his room.

“Oh, Yeah I couldn’t sleep.” He replied.

“Is someone responsible for your lack of sleep!” asked his brother Vinod.

Vinay just frowned at the thought and smiled shaking his head.

“Oh, think you are right dear, we have a lover boy, here.” teased Reena.

“It’s not like that.” He replied with a frown.

“Come on! We know you. Give us the details.” Asked Vinod.

Their continuous questioning made Vinay to give up and explain everything that happened at the event.

“Isn’t she Mrs. Menon’s daughter, Sonia?” Vinod asked.

Vinay nodded in agreement.

“Oh, dear, you know her! She helps me with the children’s program at the community. She is really smart and pretty.” Reena explained to Vinod.

“Oh, think we can go ahead with the marriage proposal for our bro!” Vinod replied excitedly.

“Oh yes, Dad likes her very much.” Reena was thrilled.

Baby crying.

“Oh, I think Baby is awake. Vinay don’t worry, your brother and I will take care of this situation.” Reena promised and ran outside to her room.

“Before you take any decision. I want you to be absolute sure of it. Know her first, is she compatible with your personality. All that. Then only take your decision, before presenting your thought to dad, ok. don’t rush!” Vinod explained to Vinay who was looking at his brother’s unbelievable ability to build a story.

“It’s nothing like that, bro. And please don’t do any kind of blunder with proposal. As you know I am not interested in marriage.” Vinay strictly glared at his brother.

“Woah, chill little brother. We won’t do anything without your consent.” Vinod just gave his signature smirky smile.

Vinay sighed “Really, you are telling me that! Ok, then what about Reena Chech? Wont she approach mom and dad with your so-called proposal?!” Vinay glared at Vinod with the question.

(Chech – Endearment honorifics for Elder Sister / Sister-in-law)

“Ah, don’t worry. She won’t do something like that. Would she?!” Vinod gave a puzzled look to Vinay, completely zoning out.

Vinay just sighed “Good night, bro. I am tired, I need to sleep. Guess I have to tell mom and dad to stop your imaginative narration of my married life.”

“Uh, oh, right, you do that. Good night little brother” Vinod said coming out of his trance.

Next morning.

At Menon’s house.

Sonia was preparing to spend her time at the children’s community. Picking her bag and phone, she was about to leave. Her mother called her from the living room siting on the sofa along with her dad.

“Sonia, where are you going? On a Sunday?!” asked her mom.

“Mom, did you forget? I had work at the children’s community. Today is my schedule.” Sonia explained.

“Did you forget? We have to visit your brothers’ in-laws house for fixing the wedding venue and other details.” Her dad explained.

“Is it today! Oh, I completely forgot about it.” She sighed.

“Guess I will call Reena Chech and cancel my schedule.” She picked her phone and dialled Reena’s number.

“Hello!” Reena said from the other line.

“Hi, Chech! It’s me, Sonia.”

“Hi, I am moving to the centre, where are you?” Reena enquired.

“Sorry Chech. I wouldn’t be able to come today. I have a family gathering. Please can you schedule Diya as my backup.” Sonia said.

“Oh, ok. Guess we can.” Reena sighed.

“Thanks, Chech. I will make it up next weekend.” Sonia was relieved.

“It’s ok. Take care then. Bye.” Reena assured.

“Bye” said Sonia.

“Ok. It’s done. When are we leaving?” Sonia asked her dad.

“In about 10 minutes.” Said her dad constantly looking at his sons’ room and his wristwatch.

“Don’t tell me, he is not ready?!” Sonia groaned.

“You are not getting married today. So can you come out already?!!” She shouted at her brother’s room.

“Will you chill! I want to look best for my future wife. Don’t want to disappoint her.” Her brother smirked whilst finally opening his room door and walked causally in the living room.

Sonia just groaned and waved her hand in the air. Her parents just smiled at their children’s behaviour.

At the Nair’s residence.

Vinay was picking his phone and getting ready to move out of the house.

“Chech! Are you ready? We have to go...” He called Reena from the living room.

“Coming!” Reena came out with her 8-month-old daughter, Veena in her hand followed by Vinod.

“Here you go. Don’t be naughty when Mumma’s not around and don’t make your father tried.” Saying that handed her daughter to Vinod.

“Aww. My daughter would never tire me. Wont you precious! We will have lots of fun. Wont we?!!” Vinod was making his daughter bounce up and down in his arm earning a giggle from his daughter.

Reena smiled at them and walked towards the exit.

“Oh, I have to call Diya as Sonia’s replacement. Wait, Vinay. Let me just make this call” Sonia took her phone from her handbag. Vinay perked up on hearing Sonia’s name.

“Uhm, Sonia? She i-is n-not coming” asked Vinay by looking here and there.

Reena gave a naughty look at her husband earning a blank face in return.

“What?!” her husband exclaimed.

“Really!!?” Reena lifted her eyebrow in regret.

“Your dear brother wants to know if his future wife is coming at the centre or not?!!” Reena said glancing at Vinay with a small smile.

“Chech!” Vinay said in a low groan making Reena to laugh.

“Ohh!!” exclaimed Vinod.

“But, is she coming?” Vinod enquired.

“Unfortunately, no. She has got some family gathering that she can’t avoid. She called 10 minutes ago. Sorry bro. next time maybe!” Reena gave a sorry look at Vinay.

Vinay was almost shattered at her reply but was quick enough to hide his disappointment.

He just nodded and went to his car. He obviously had to drop Reena at the centre.

Monday morning.

Sonia was busying reading the quotation letter to XXX company carefully by her manager.

“Don’t make the quote more than their previous order. We don’t want to give them false hope. Moreover, Director Sir was very strict about this peculiar company.” Her manager said to her.

“Sir, I still think they are really looting us. I mean I don’t understand why give this luxury, we can get better and double the orders from other companies. Why this peculiar one?” she asked her manager whilst typing away in her PC.

“They are our old clients and also director Sir’s personal friends. We should keep our old and existing clients happy.” Her manager just smiled at her regretful response.

Sonia just nodded in agreement.

“Done, Sir”

“Great, Send it to their mail and one copy to me.” Saying that her manager left from her desk.

Her phone rang.


“Sonia. It’s me. Reena”

“Oh, hi Chech. How are you?”

“I am great. Say will it be okay if you can come to the house today evening? I wanted to discuss about the community fair, we are keeping this weekend.” Reena asked.

“Umm. Let me check my schedule.” Sonia was checking her diary.

“Guess I can. How about 6 in the evening. That’s when, I log out at 5” Sonia waited for the response.

“Great! See you in the evening” Reena exclaimed.

“Ok. See you then, Chech.” Saying that Sonia cut the call. Dailing her mom’s number, she explained that she would be running late as she was going to the Nair’s house.

Her mom gave her the permission.

In the evening.

Sonia stretched her neck and huffed looking at her computer screen.

“Finally, I can leave.” Saying that she grabbed her phone and bag exited her office building to catch a cab towards Nair’s house.

Sonia ranged the bell.

“Hi, you are here.” Reena opened the door with a welcoming note.

“Hi, Chech.” Sonia was really tried but didn’t show in her greeting.

She was one of the humans who wanted to make everyone happy around her. It was one of her traits liked by all and sometimes discouraged by her close ones.

Her friends really worried about her for this.

Sonia was the type who would put her loved one’s feelings and wants before hers. She was a tough and stern, but soft towards her friends and family.

Hence liked by everyone. So, it didn’t take long for Vinay to actually fall for her at first sight (Denied by our Vinay arrogantly).

Sonia was a princess with sparkling eyes, sweet voice, soothing personality and a caring nature.

From far off, glistening eyes were watching the princess, admiring her features and interaction with a cold look.

“I hope we can cover up the entire schedule and finish the program within the time limit, Chech.” Said a worried Sonia.

“Don’t worry, we have the program perfectly lined up, thanks to you.” Reena scanned the program listing, marking all the events one by one.

Sonia gave a soft smile.

“Reena, have you called Vinod, it past seven” Mrs. Nair asked.

“Hm. Vinod just called. He left the office about 20 mins ago.” Reena replied her mom-in-law.

“Oh, hi, Sonia, how are you? What brings you here?” Mrs. Nair smiled at Sonia.

“Hello, Mrs. Nair, I am fine. I came to help Chech with the community fair schedules.” Sonia got up and greeted Mrs. Nair.

“Oh Sonia, Call me Aunty. Ah yes, the community fair. We are looking forward for that. Hope we have enough refreshments and play activities for the kids. Last time it was hectic!” Mrs. Nair said lovingly to Sonia and Reena. 

“Not this time, Mom, we have Sonia. She perfectly lined the schedule keeping in mind the refreshments and activities. We have many fun activities for the adults and kids too.” Reena explained to Mrs. Nair.

“Really, that’s good. Sonia you really worked hard.” Mrs. Nair hugged Sonia and kissed her forehead.

Sonia was taken aback by her gesture and just smiled.

Vinay admired how his family loved and almost pampered her, making him a little jealous.

He walked towards the trio, earning a smile from them.

“Mom, is the dinner ready?” Vinay asked his mom.

“Oh, Vinay. Come meet Sonia.” Mrs. Nair signalled Vinay.

Sonia smiled at him, earning a nod in return.

“Ok Aunty. I have to leave. Mom will get worried.” Saying so Sonia picked her bag to leave.

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An Ardent reader attempting to write her thoughts and experience