Sonia’s secret is out!

“So, Aunty, when are we going for the wedding shopping? I am dying to shop! It’s been a long time since I last shopped!” Reena expressed her views.

“You went shopping just last week!” Mrs. Nair laughed at her daughter-in-law’s depressing face.

“Mom, exactly that was last week! I really need to go shopping!” Reena whined like a small kid clutching her Mother-in-law’s arm in cute manner.

Mrs. Nair just ruffled her hair and agreed to her antics.

Reena was babied a lot by her in-laws, which was admired by Mrs. Menon.

They were busy with their own conversation, when…

“Sorry guys, I was stuck in traffic. I hope the event has not started yet.” Vinod came jogging towards his family, earning a cute glare from his family.

“No, you are right in time. Come have a seat with us.” Mrs. Menon said to Vinod.

Sonia seated herself between Mrs. Nair and her mom. Vinay was sitting two seats away from her, but still, he could see her.

He was wondering why the girl who was always cheerful and peppy, was suddenly so quiet.

She was constantly fiddling with her phone, sweating little on the forehead and maybe her hands too.

Her eyes were playing here and there, which was keenly noticed by Vinay.

The event started with the welcome speech by the host.

Since the Menons and Nairs were among the main dignitaries, they were called upon the stage to get felicitated.

Mr. Menon and Mr. Nair went on to the stage followed by their sons.

Vinod, Vinay and Sameer started following their respective fathers. When Vinay looked back at Sonia, who was still looking tensed.

He came near her and called out her name, but she didn’t seem to notice it.

Mrs. Nair who was sitting beside patted her shoulder to gain her attention.

“Huh!” Sonia suddenly looked at Mrs. Nair.

“Dear, Vinay is calling you to go to the stage.” Mrs. Nair made her look at Vinay.

“Oh! Ok.” She immediately made her way to the stage passing Vinay totally ignoring him.

Vinay crunched his eyebrow giving a confused look to his mom.

His mom just gestured him to go on to the stage.

He just nodded and proceeded to the stage.

All of the dignitaries took turns in lighting the lamp.

Once the lighting ceremony was over, they all descended down the stage to move to their respective seats.

Throughout the whole initial speech of the welcome ceremony, Vinay kept glancing at Sonia, who was getting restless by the minute.

One by one, the MC called upon Mr. Sandip Menon and Mr. Vasudevan Nair to give their thoughts about the conference followed by other dignitaries.

Lunch break

The first part of the conference went really well. During the lunch break, many were acquainting themselves with each other.

The male members of the Menon and Nair family were busy engaging themselves with the various acquaintances.

The ladies were busy in their own talks.

Ring! Ring!

Sonia’s phone rang. She excused herself from her family and friends and went a little far to take the call.

“Hello, Ronny.” Sonia was talking in hushed tone.

“Hey babe, where are you? I thought let’s meet up. It’s been a while we went for a date.” Ronny was as usual chiming in his soft tone.

“I can’t. I am attending an event with my family.” Sonia said while being cautious of not letting anyone hear her.

“Oh, Ok. Where is it? I will come and meet you there. That way you can introduce me to your family. Send me the location.” Ronny enquired.

“What! No. I told you Ronny, give me some time. I will introduce you to them.” Sonia pleaded with him.

“You say this every time. I am not taking no for an answer. Just send me the location. I am coming there.” Ronny stated by taking his jacket and bike keys.

“Listen Ronny. Please try to understand. This is a very important event for my Dad. Please don’t ruin it.” Sonia pleaded with him.

“So, you think I will ruin his big day, Huh?!” Ronny said in an angry tone.

“No, I meant that I don’t want him to get tensed for no good reason. Listen I will try to leave from here early and meet you. Till then please stay there. Please!” Sonia begged him.

“FINE! Just don’t make it too late. Ok. Otherwise, I will find out the location myself and come and meet you. Got it?!” Ronny demanded.

“Don’t talk like that with me! And yeah! I will come and meet you in 2o minutes. Don’t you dare come here!” Sonia said gritting her teeth, cutting the call.

She had it with his behaviour. She was on her last straw. Rubbing her forehead, she huffed a breath she was holding.

Whenever, she felt she was losing it, she would start counting and huff her breathe.

“Why are you here?”

“….” Sonia widened her eyes and turned around to find Vinay looking at her with crunched eyebrow.

“I-I-I was looking for the-the-the wa-washroom. Yeah!” Sonia managed to arrange her words.

“With your phone?” Vinay asked pointing to her phone in her hand, with a raised eyebrow.

“Um…No! I-I wa-was trying to call my mom and tell her about it.” Sonia said with a fake smile.

Vinay gave a weird look and just nodded his head still looking at her puzzled.

Sonia just kept smiling weirdly.

She huffed a breath when he started retreating his steps and went away from her.

“God!! He is scary!” Sonia placed her hand on her fast-beating heart.

She immediately reached her mom and said…

“Mom, I have to urgently go to my friend. She is in need for my help. Can I go?” Sonia lied to her mom.

“Who Rekha? But we just talked last night? What happened to her?” her mom enquired getting tensed.

“No! not Rekha. I-its um... Tanya! She is going to…Shimla to her aunt. Her…um...granny is critical! So, she is s-sad…and wants me there… yes… that’s what it is…so Can I go?” Sonia managed to construct her lie.

“Oh my god! Who is critical?!” Reena rushed to the mom and daughter duo with a hand on her heart.

“My friend’s granny. I was going there to console her...” Sonia gave a sad smile to Reena.

“Oh, that’s so sweet of you!! I think you should go. Aunty let her go. People need friends like her. She is so caring. I am so touched, dear.” Reena pouted and hugged Sonia.

Sonia widened her eyes at her sudden behaviour.

Vinay was trying to control his amusement at the blunt lie which his family was buying from the cute little Sonia.

Sonia gave her best smile to her admirers.

“You are right, Reena. Meera let her go. Her friend needs her.” Mrs. Nandini patted Sonia’s head.

Seeing all this Meera Menon had no option but let her daughter to go.

Sonia quickly ran to the exit to make her escape.

Vinay was looking at this drama and getting amused by Sonia’s antics.

But at the same time, he was worried on why she had to bluntly lie like this to her family.

Who was she going to see?

He was watching her figure fade from his eyesight. He was getting curious on her behaviour.

He wanted to find out the reason behind it.

He so wanted to follow her, but his father needed him there.

So, he did what he could best do.

He called his bodyguard.

Yes, Mr. Vinay had his own bodyguard appointed especially by his father for him.

Vinay trusted his bodyguard for the past 3 years, since the incidence.

He was more like his right hand and trustee.

“Hello Rocky, I want you to follow Ms. Sonia Menon and send the details of her visit to her so-called friend. Ok?” He demanded his bodyguard.

“Ok, Sir” Rocky gave a positive reply.

He knew that whatever Sonia was hiding need to be revealed. But one thing he was not understanding that why was he so keen to know about Ms. Sonia Menon.

By evening, at Nair’s residence

“Woah, the event was really great. Congrats Dad again for getting the award for the best businessman. This one is 5 times in a row!” Vinod hugged his Dad and smiled widely.

“Thanks son, but I want Vinay to get the award from next year. He really deserves it.” Mr. Vasudevan Nair was feeling pride mentioning his son, Vinay.

“He will get it soon, Dad. Don’t worry. I trust my brother fully.” Vinod patted his brother’s shoulder showing his appreciation for him.

They all retired to their respective rooms.

“Hello, yeah tell me Rocky. What did you get?” Vinay asked his trusted bodyguard.

“Sir, I have mailed you the details about Ms. Sonia’s friend alongwth his photo.” Rocky confirmed from his side.

“His? You mean a boy?” Vinay wanted to negate Rocky’s claim.

“Yes Sir.” Rocky said.

“Ok.” Vinay grabbed his laptop and checked the said mail sent by his bodyguard.

As he was reading the details of the mentioned person in the mail. He was getting shocked and yet didn’t show it in his face.

He was now confirmed as to why Sonia was so tensed during the entire event and wanted to visit her friend, presumably her boyfriend.

He felt bad when he went through the details about Ronny. Immediately he could predict on where this relationship may lead. He was hoping that their bind would not break, from Ronny’s past details.

He was now confused on whether he should inform this to her parents or more probably his family. He thought for a moment and decided to keep his mum. So that Sonia would herself proclaim her rights for this boy.

He was shattered but he felt it was best if he left his feelings for Sonia as she was never going to let her relationship with her boyfriend wary away.

For now, he wished everything to settle down in a positive way. All he could do was wait.

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An Ardent reader attempting to write her thoughts and experience