Chapter 5. The Butterfly

Kumar Residence

“…again?!! Buji…what were you doing in the class?!!...and particularly his class…I don’t get it…*exhales deeply*…fine…here…and don’t repeat it again…” Arjun was puzzled at how come his smart and studious daughter would always have a slip for only her music class.

Why did she take the music class in the first place? – was the burning question he was afraid to ask his love bitten daughter.

Ever since the school incident, Arjun noticed the change in Mrunal especially around the Nair kid. She would literally drool over the man-boy who had the same dimpled smile as his father, tensing Arjun.

Mrunal gave her cute smile and ran off to NatyaPrabha to practice her dance routine for the program.

The Community hall had organised their comeback stage after being shut for non-funding. The once active members took in their hand to arrange for the reopening of their new and improved community inviting even the new members with open arms.

So, when Deepika was invited by Sonia and Sharanya to become the event organising main lead, she couldn’t refuse. As it would also help her to promote her dance school which had around 3-4 members.

Thinking positively, Deepika even told her daughter to arrange for a kathak dance which would be a nice showcase of her talent.

SmartArt of Business School

Meeting room

Sanal concluded the meeting with his final remarks, instructing his secretary to call his wife for the final arrangements of the twins birthday in one of their family five-star hotel party hall.

Dino rushed inside the meeting room with his laptop in a tensed manner followed by Benisha who was talking in her bluetooth.

As he placed the laptop on the table, Sanal asked him the reason for his stress.

The videoclip

Sanal gritted his teeth and banged the table upon the reveal of the person behind the kidnapping.

The laptop then alit with the meeting of the Tigris and Panthera team to discuss the clip.

“…yeah!...speak!!…” Sanal grunted on the phone to hear her calm tone replying “…think today…fight tomorrow…we will get them…just 15 days more…I promise you…”

Sanal controlled his heavy breathing by taking a long deep breath and glanced at Benisha who nodded her head agreeing with Amelia.

“…this is the photo taken at the harbour…it’s a little blurry but I think we can zoom it to find the connect…” Dino remarked at the scrap evidence which couldn’t reveal much about the ongoing case of the missing kidnapper.

Ever since the Delhi incident, the Tigris were not able to catch hold of the runaway captive who was rescued by one of their own men.

The Panthera thought to call in the black scorpion group for a strong hold on their team but El Rey said that it would only create more bloodshed. As the black scorpion group worked with no remorse and regret. No family, friends would be spared by the black scorpion group and that would be quite dangerous for the Tigris and Panthera team altogether.

Pradeep entered the concal with Vinay agreeing with Amelia who had uncovered the resting place of the main perpetuator but that was like entering the lion’s den with the hyenas guarding the entry.

The call girl who was being interrogated did give the factual evidences but even though the Chopper suggested to get his men do the double take on the evidences before going full throttle in the club of the perpetuator.

“…so, String-Breaker what’s your take in this?...” Vinay asked his Capo who hummed thinking about his part of the investigation finally replying

“…I think we can wait as Amelia suggested but…”

“…but?!!...” Pradeep asked moving his eyes over the people on the screen who waited for the advisor to proceed.

The String-Breaker took out his violin and examined it replying “…you know the more you tighten the string…the more are chances for it to break…so, I would suggest…that we loosen it up and lay low…you know…since we have almost revealed our identity…thanks to Duster here…” as he looked back at the screen to a certain creased faced Duster who objected at his slip up.

“…I was just trying to get the bastard to give me the address…and his stupid girl turned up…screaming the hell out of the club…I didn’t know that the weakling would brawl out at the slight hit to his guts!!!...so, don’t blame me for no good reason…humph!!” Duster jumped out of his chair low screaming at the String-Breaker who smirked at the tantrum being thrown by the full-grown adult of a Tigris Soldier.

Panthera signalled the Soldier to turn down a notch when speaking to his members. As it was against the rules of the mafia desk to raise your voice when the heads are in the meeting. 

“…What about you Gamer…what do you think…should we?...” El Rey asked his advisor from across the seven seas who was pouting at the ongoing case of the mysterious kidnapper.

“…I think we can look for the associates…like the one with the call girl?...hey…how about the delivery guy?...wasn’t he the one found dead a few days back…down the station stairs…near the unused railway platform?...” The Gamer reminded them of the delivery guy who was the snitch between the Scillian mob and the one they all were searching for the past two years.

“…we can go look for his place?...don’t know what we can scavenge through…maybe a piece of paper or drawing…address…or any slight evidence to find them…” as he continued Amelia remembered something and suddenly took out the piece of paper showing it onto her laptop screen, grabbing their attention.


“…the Monarch?!!...the abandoned ship in Pune harbour?!!...remember the same butterfly was etched onto the dead man’s neck…” Amelia tried to make them understand the context of ‘Monarch’ with the butterfly.

She tsked seeing their still confused faces from across the screen and shared her screen to show them the association between the two.

“…The Monarch is the American butterfly having deep orange wings with black and white markings…they are majorly found in North and South America migrating from Mexico…the shipment that came to Pune was carrying the load from…Czech…via Prague…the cruise captain revealed upon questioning that the ship only operated in the western lines… and had only carried spices from India to America… he lied…which The Grappler later found to be a cover for the load…”

“…yeah…it was…but we couldn’t get the hardcore evidences for the same…as it was already confiscated by the authorities…. they refused to help us…since we were already under the section 7 of IPS…so, if interfered more…they would take us…” The Grappler continued to share his experience with the authorities who threatened to flash their cover if the Tigris or Panthera would try to involve more.

Further Amelia continued “…there is also my theory onto that the dealer might be a woman?...as when Madam Z, the pimp told us…it was noticed that she was referring to a woman in her 20s as the description entailed with her talks about ‘the white witch…with the honeyed skin…’ being quiet similar to the likes of the blurred snap that the Gamer could capture in…” making the Gamer assure the same evidences.

Vinay looked back at Pradeep whose eyes widened at remembering something crucial that they missed and replied to Amelia “…you mean to say…that she is in …Prague!!…the last shipment of the said order…being captured here...in Pune?!” making Amelia agree with the videoclip of the load being transferred.

“…actually, Mexico to be more likely, that's where we got the evidence of her stay but couldn't see her face…also she might not do such a blunder of being in the sight of the authorities…so, she is being cautious and probably in hiding?…” saying so the String-Breaker showed them the CCTV shot of the deal being transferred from the truck to the ship.

In the videoclip of the deal, however, was a man disguised as a 20-year-old woman with the little nuances of the manly movements – was the thought running in the String-Breaker’s mind who did convey this to the members.

The Capo had done his side of the investigation beforehand the Mafia associate – as was his nature to not leave any stone unturned.

The members glanced back at Amelia who creased her brows at the judgemental looks on her hard-work and thought to have a thorough check on the videoclips and evidences.

When it came to recognising the character of the person, the String-Breaker was a master in that. He had the ability to uncover a person wholly with only the way he / she would enact or speak with the intricate detail on their bodily features. It was an inborn talent of his and of course from the strict training by his guru – El Rey.

“…and probably the next shipment will arrive in Mumbai…the festival…it’s a perfect setting…” Amelia referred to the Ganesh festival which was celebrated with its grandeur pomp bringing all the religion and cultures together.

The Chopper then advised to follow the silent cover for the time being and should lay down till the next shipment which would take another month to arrive, as per their informant in the states.

Moreover, their trial for section 7 of IPS, would be put to rest by their lawyer in few weeks. Hence giving them the authority to carry the weapons for their protection, as requested to the court after the Delhi incident.

The team then agreed to wait till the end of the month to operate their next set of attack but would apparently investigate on the scan to not let unwanted intrusion in one of the most important function which was going to take place in the family – the birthday and the program.

Menon residence

“…. waahh!!!...” Soumya shut her ears not able to take the continuous wailing by Sanjay who just stood on the doorway clutching his teddy bear.

Preethi was giggling her head off, rolling on the couch. She was constantly teasing him that he was adopted to the much objection from him, saying that they were twins. Preethi denied saying that he was just a tag along and that her parents sympathised with the lone child in the adoption centre.

Soumya shaked her head at the tantrum thrown by Sanjay and tried to convince him that Preethi was just teasing him.

Veena entered the house to see the child and carried him to the garden along with her son Rahul.

After pacifying the child, Veena went to enquire about the family who had invited the couple for a family dinner. The Nairs’ were supposed to join them to discuss the birthday bash in the family hotel.

The dining table

The hula bola of the family made Vinay amuse at the way the kids were howling and teasing each other.

Sonia was discussing on the return gifts for the guest with Latha who suggested her intakes on the same.

After the dinner, the family enquired about Rajeev who had gone on his date with Ramya; after her return from Costa Rico.

Ramya had gone for her girl vacation after her graduation party for a final meet up with her college mates at the Peninsula resorts, Costa Rico. She had landed yesterday and wanted some quiet time with her fiancé.

The restaurant rooftop area

Ramya held his hands who was smiling at her trail of fun time that she had with her college mates.

“…so, surfing!!...hm…never knew you were the sporty kind of a girl!...” Rajeev side smiled with drinking his wine not taking his eyes from hers. She raised her left brow and flipped her hair in a sassy way.

Ramya was not the shy type girl. Being born and bought up in the states, made her bold and independent.

She had learnt the hard way to survive with only her father as her supportive pillar in all her decision making.

So, when she expressed her view to marry the handsome hunk of the musician; Prateek was not able to refuse. He just had to put forth the news to Vinod who convinced his little brother to match the young ones.

After much retaliation, Vinay agreed as Rajeev too had a peculiar likeness towards talented and ambitious Ramya who was Rajeev’s opposite and he strongly believed in the theory of ‘opposites attract’ at least it was true in the case of his parents.

Rajeev was the adorable, reliable and friendly guy whom you would always love to be in your space, with his dimpled shy smile and droopy innocent eyes.

Unlike the String-Breaker who was strong, confident, assertive and in absolute control of his surroundings. The smirky male who would rather like the silence of his captor than their irritative nagging; stopped with just a twist of his string wringed on the culprit’s neck.

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An Ardent reader attempting to write her thoughts and experience