Chapter 10. The love will return…

Three years later

The university

Rajeev was twirling his chair side to side, watching the ceiling fan move at the slowest pace in the hot summer breeze.

‘…why should I feel bad?...you are engaged to her, right?’

‘…it was not me, Buji…how can I explain to you…’

‘…no need…I don’t want any explanations…Rajeev Sir…you are just my family friend…nothing else…’

‘…is that what I am for you?...just a friend?!!...’

‘…*chuckle*…yes…what else can you be?....my friend, my mentor and my idol…nothing else…’

‘…when did you grow up so much, Buji?!!...’

‘…with time…understanding people…Rajeev Sir…please don’t give any excuse to me…I don’t need it…especially from you…who I know is not wrong…and can never be wrong…coz gulps…you are…*inhales deeply*…. perf…*runs away*’


He smiled on reminiscing the scene in the Kumar residence when she confessed without telling the actual words. His heart danced more with the magical words being written so beautifully in her diary which he found near the pool when he tried to confess to her.

Buji’s chronicles

‘07/17/2X – what am I to you?

‘…why did he wear the black coat?...doesn’t he know that I would surely melt in his serene black attire…every time!!...’

‘…. Hm!!!.... the way he twirled the pen in his veiny hands when Rudra was playing the violin…’

‘…why doesn’t he teach me like that?!...you know holding my fingers in his…smiling like that…’

‘…the cute dimple that falls on his chiselled jaw!!.... heaven!...’

‘…the droopy brown eyes which turn a tint of hazel when the sunlight hits it!...I love them more!!...’

‘…would he like it…if I kiss them when they change their color like that?!!...I don’t think so!!...’

‘…Hm…maybe he likes it when he would be tired from the long hours of teaching…’

‘…no worries, honey!...I will make sure that you are rid of your tiredness with my smile…when you take your bike out of the parking lot…’

‘…I will always send you off from the university with my smile…everyday…till the time I am your…?... what am I to you, mon cœur*?…’

(*mon cœur – My heart in French)

He had no idea that she loved him so much. How could he not see it? When he had so much more to offer her with his hidden heart which could now beat freely.

Well, he would definitely ask her when she would be back.

One more week for the special Sunday, when the Mumbai breeze would welcome his lady love – his Buji.

Dhiraj had called the Menon family to enquire about Sameer’s health since the shootout. Latha was going in and out of the hospital with Soumya and the other kids helping her out.

After the crucial phase of finding the real culprit and diminishing their existence from the face of earth, the family and friends were able to breath fresh liberal air.

The most relaxed was Vinay when he could find the culprit who had managed to hide in their shade and plot against them for so long.

The death of the person was a shocker to everyone, especially Rajeev who had no knowledge of the actual fact of the betrayal.

But he had his doubts which he had confirmed from the Tigris and Panthera.

Thanks to the Amelia and Nibbler who could extract the informants and take down the main villain in their story.

However, one crook was still in the hiding far away from them. The Panthera had stationed their men in and around the family and friends.

Kumar residence

Dhiraj popped the champagne bottle getting cheers from his friends and family who were on the seventh cloud with the happy news of him becoming Captain Dhiraj Kumar. It was a struggle which needed the much appreciation that he had endured to prove himself among his peers and heads.

“…think our kid will be to become a Major way before the time… chuckles…” Arjun remarked at get a hearty laugh from Rajeev at the old man whose chest size grew bigger with the extra suffixes to his son’s name – Captain.

“…Raj! I hope you will come with us to receive Buji from the airport?...” Deepika sat beside the young man who suddenly blushed confusing the bestie. Dhiraj had observed the way Rajeev would glow up at the mention of Mrunal or even any instances of her.

“… I don’t know, Aunty…maybe…*exhales*…I am busy…with the office work…I have to take care of the things…” Rajeev managed to escape out of meeting his ‘Buji’.

But why?

Wasn’t he the one who wanted to have a one on one with her?

To clear the air between them?

In all this, Namith was still travelling from one major hospital to another for Nimya’s treatment.  The 6-year-old always complained about eye pain with blurred vision.

Trishna was under the impression that her daughter might require glasses, but the doctor told them it was otherwise. The doctor even told them to treat the issue asap before it exaggerates.

Seeing the crucial situation, Namith finally decided to get the treatment from the states. They have been gone for more than 8 months, since the treatment started in Washington’s top hospital.

Nimya’s health was deteriorating drastically, tensing her parents. Vinay advised to take their time for the best treatment for the sweetheart and not worry about any financial or authorities issues.

A worried Sonia kept the phone after her talk with Trishna who cried stating that Nimya had now developed rashes over her body which were getting worser.

“…. I think we should go and meet them…I will book the tickets…” Vinay didn’t wait any longer and laid down his decision to help the kids out.

The day Vinay and Sonia travelled to the states, Dino assured them to not worry about the family as everything was under control.

Even though, Vinay told them to be on their toes and inform him at the slightest whimsical of doubt.

Washington DC

Vinay had a meeting with the doctors who explained to him the seriousness of the issue faced by the kid.

He saw Namith who couldn’t understand the reason for the disease.

“…it happens…when the autoimmune system of the body counterattacks…it is uncommon and frankly speaking we cannot diagnose the reason behind it…but nevertheless, there is sure treatment for this…” the doctor tried to make the family understand that there was a ray of hope for the child.

In the villa

Sonia was helping to make Nimya to go to sleep while singing her lullaby. The child was happy to have her grandparents to cheer her up.

Trishna was hurrying to get the door to know about the news from the hospital. She was careful to not get hurt like the last time wherein it had a major effect on her.

Two years back, when Trishna had gone to drop Nimya to her pre-school; she reversed her car to come out of the parking lot.

Just then a heavy truck collided with her car, making her body have a hard impact hurting her 5-month pregnant belly.

She was immediately taken to the nearby hospital for treatment.

Reena had reached on time, calling the family members to reach the hospital on time.

Sonia couldn’t believe her ears as she heard the news. Namith could only stand still clutching her hands who laid unconscious on the bed.

Reena was weeping on the lose that the couple had. Trishna upon hearing the news of losing her baby became hysterical and was not calming down.

It was only after Prisha held her consoling while the nurse could calm her with the injection.

As they could gather their thoughts, the doctor jolted them with another sad news.

It was evident that the car accident caused severe damage to her lower abdomen, making her infertile.

Namith consoled her saying that they were blessed with Nimya and she was enough for them.

Present day

As she opened the mansion door, the maid came with the water for the father and son.

Namith rested his tired self on the couch, while Vinay told them about the ongoing health issue faced by Nimya.

Sonia suggested for a change of the hospital, getting dissatisfied with their treatment. But Namith told her that any other hospital would also have the same solution as given by the current one.

Their only hope was a miracle to save their little wonder, who was quietly listening to her songs on the laptop.


Sangeet Natak Akademi

Mrunal was gathering her belongings to move out of the seminar hall which hosted the farewell party for the senior students.

As she went to get her sling bag, a veiny hand helped her. Akash was her batchmate, and a lawyer by profession.

He had joined the akademi to brush up on his vocal chords as he missed his true passion – music.

Akash Garg

Being engrossed in his profession, gave him very little time for his music.

As they moved out of the hall, Akash suggested for a coffee in the canteen. As they chatted, Mrunal received a message from her brother with the pics from his jolly trip to the beach.

She couldn’t attend the party as it was at the time of her finals. But Dhiraj promised her a more grandeur party on her return, his style.

“…Mrunal…can we go to the seaside in the evening?...you know your last day here…” Akash asked her who smiled at his attempt for a date with her.

Mrunal nodded and caressed his hands on hers looking lovingly at him. Akash was able to capture her heart in these two years with his etiquette and quiet nature.

He was the perfect man for her, who had the ability to calm her and even fight for her. Just her type.

She was so much engrossed in his aura making her forget the one man who couldn’t acknowledge her undying love for him.

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Hello.... Hoping that you like my stories. I would like to extend this small gesture from you, for the efforts that I have taken to procure such stories comprising of romance, thrill, drama and mafia. It would encourage me to write even more exciting stories and present it to you in its fullest form. Lots of Love. 💕 Take Care. 💕

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An Ardent reader attempting to write her thoughts and experience