Chapter 4. Birthday Surprise!

Rajeev’s birthday

The family had planned the birthday party in Sovin Hotel, Party Hall.  

The party witnessed the family members encouraging their children to celebrate their youngest fun day.

Rajeev was surrounded by his friends who were chatting with him and playing games with him.

“Nia, Have you seen Veena? I have been trying to find her for the past half an hour. I just couldn’t find that girl,” Reena came with the gifts given to Rajeev to set them on the table. She saw that Sonia was taking the snacks for Vinay.

“I think I saw her near the corridor talking on the phone. Maybe it is her assistant. You do remember she has that major order for a big client that she has been trying to get,” Reena nodded her head and got worried about her daughter.

“I am telling you, Raj. You are going to win this. Trust me,” Rajeev’s friend boosted him while munching on his chips.

Rajeev looked at Soumya who just smiled at him and returned to his friend.

“Of course, why won’t he? I mean he is our undisputable champion!” Soumya praised her brother in front of their school friends.

Vineeth winked at his brother who just shaked his head smilingly. He knew that his younger siblings always boosted his love for music which he had managed to hide from his parents.

He was not confident to share his passion for music with his over achieving academic parents whose eldest daughter was their shining glory in the field of Geophysics as per his perception. 

So, he thought that they might feel sad at their only son being pulled towards the world of music, unlike them.

But he was not aware that his parents were bonded with the one thing that bought them together in the first place – dance. It was the sound of their rhythmic heartbeat for each other making them stronger since their second chance to their married life.

So, being their son, he was bound to get their passion for music.

“Hey, I will call when I reach home. It is difficult for me to talk to you here,” Amritha walked in a hurry to reach the hall in time for the cake cutting.

She bumped into Veena on the way who caught her before she could fall.

“Akka! What are you doing here outside? is the cake cutting ceremony over?! Was I late?!OMG?!!” Veena caught hold of the panicking Amritha jolting her.

“Relax! Will you! And No, the cake cutting ceremony is not over. You are on time. Let’s go inside, hm?” Veena held her arm and walked inside the hall.

Rajeev blew the candles and smiled looking at his favourite people in the room.

He gave the first bite of the cake to his parents and then his elder sister, followed by his other lovable family.

“This party sucks!” Trishna gave a ‘what’ look to Dino who was sipping on his punch and sulking.

“Well, is it not as per your expectations, your highness!” she teased him getting a snicker from her cousins.

“Exactly, I mean the DJ sucks, the people on the dance floor – not my type and on top of it – no beer! scoff” Dino expressed his ‘sadness’

Veena slapped his arm saying ‘It is a party for a teenager. This is how it is supposed to be, idiot!”

Dino rubbed his arm screwing his eyebrows at her words. He tsked and looked at his friend whose eyes scanned the entire hall as if searching for someone.

“Hey buddy! Who are you looking for?” Dino nudged him who tsked “Amritha! I saw her entering the hall and she has been missing since the cake cutting! Where is she?”

Veena looked at Trishna who signalled to change the topic.

“Hey, Have you heard Dinesh uncle was telling to let Suresh join our Hotel business. I mean I was shocked!”

Sanal clenched his jaw at the mention of his hateful cousin. Suresh was a flirt and was well known for his scandalous way to get into the family business.

“No way! I am going to speak to Dad about it first thing tomorrow. But, right now…I need to search for someone,” saying so he left from the group to search for Amritha, before Trishna could stop him.

“Isha, we need to tell him asap! Before it goes out of hand!” Veena spoke with concern seeing the lover boy.

“You are right, Chech! Let’s go to Dad. He is the apt person to make him understand,” Trishna held her Chech’s hand and went in search of her Dad.

Sanal searched for Amritha wanting to ask her behaviour for the past many months.

He was worried thinking that she might be in some trouble which she is hiding from him.

“Uncle, have you seen Amritha?” Sanal asked Shiva who was talking to Vinay and Sameer.

“No,” Saying so he continued his conversation.

“But, uncle. I saw her here some time back. Then where she went off?” Sanal was still adamant making Shiva irritated.

“If you know that she was here. Then why are you asking me this type of silly questions?!” Shiva got pissed off at him for no reason.

Sanal tried again to which Sameer dragged him aside to save him.

“Sanal, you better search for her there. I think I saw her striding over there, talking on her phone,” Sameer patted his chest to be away from the wrath of an angry Shiva.

Shiva hated the fact that Sanal was so much interested in his daughter. So, he tried to keep her away from the Menon family, especially Sanal as much as possible.

“I told you I will come to meet you. I promise…hello? Hello? What the fish?” Amritha looked at her phone which went silent suddenly.

She bit her lips wondering why the person cut her call.

She went back to the hall to avoid suspicion from a certain person.

The party ended with the family members tired to the core with attending the guests and managing the party with so much thrill.

“Thanks, Mom! this was the best birthday ever!” Rajeev hugged his mother and kissed her cheeks lovingly making a certain husband jealous.

“Ok! you can go and bid your friends bye. You know you have to travel tomorrow morning for your siblings competition, right?” Vinay approached them patting his sons shoulder.

“I am so glad he loved the arrangements. inhales deeply mission successful!” Sonia took her phone to check for her schedule tomorrow.

Vinay caught hold of her hands caressing it “You need some rest. Work is always there. Hm?” Sonia smiled at his care and hugged him for relaxing her tired muscles.

Veena saw the love birds from afar and felt a tear rolled down her cheeks.

She chuckled and went to help her aunt Latha to keep the gifts in the car.

Varma House

Sharanya was preparing her study material for tomorrow’s class in the university.

Sonia and the university Principal offered her a position as the Psychology teacher in the university.

After much deliberation of the Principal and Sonia, Sharanya agreed to take the semester classes.

Pradeep entered the room to see his wife in front of her laptop – tensed.

“Hm, Someone has their exams, tomorrow?” He teased her to get a chuckle from her.

He saw that she was still strained. So, he decided to relax her by encouraging her.

“My darling wife. Who has dared to give you these horrible wrinkles on your beautiful face, hm?” Sharanya laughed at his flirtatious remark. She looked at him and tsked keeping her laptop away.

Pradeep caressed her hands when she spoke “It is been 5 years, since I left teaching. huff I don’t know whether I can do it again. I just…don’t want to mess it up!”

Pradeep chuckled saying “You won’t. Coz, you are doing one thing you are passionate about, but left it to take care of your family. Now, you have got the second chance to prove yourself again. Which I think you should take it,”

Sharanya looked at her husband with a wide mouthed who said the exact thing that she was thinking – to avoid the class.

She looked down at his hands caressing her palms and smiled saying

“Hm. Think you are right. Let’s hope I don’t let down Sonia and her faith on me!”

“Sonia? Um..?” Hearing the name, Sharanya narrated her interaction with the academic wife of the industrialist, Vinay Nair.

“Mr. Nair! Oh, I know him. We have met a few times. Um…I think it was the Colombia expo. Yes, it was. He is an excellent personality. His grandfather-in-law, Mr. Menon was our family friend,” Sharanya got interested at the new info about Sonia.

Pradeep explained to her that Grandpa Menon had helped their family to grow in the field with his selfless collaboration.

One can say that the Varma Hotel owed its prestigious goodwill – all thanks to the Menon family.

Sharanya’s face lit with delight hearing the news and wandered off to set even more closer relationship with the Nair and especially with the Menon family.

Pradeep slept off to rid of his tiredness, leaving his wife to research on the Menon family files from Google.

‘The Empire Hotel Corporation, business of the Menon family’

‘Owner – Mr. Sameer Menon’

‘Board Members’

‘Executive Members – Mr. Dinesh Menon

           Mrs. Vaishali Rathesh Menon

           Mr. Sanal Menon


Sharanya looked at the profile of the board members and suddenly stopped at one particular photo.

She gazed at the face of the person who was carved by the Gods – his eyes, his perfect cheeks, his symmetrical jaw and his plump lips. And most importantly his personality which reflected the image of the royal prince for her princess.

Sharanya smiled and closed her laptop. She looked on her side to see her husband sleeping peacefully.

She was clear that now she can be relaxed as she found the one wish that she had in her heart for so long.

The Empire Hotel

Amritha walked briskly on the stairs as she got a message tensing her. She wanted to stop a certain person to come to the party uninvited. She feared that Sanal would see the person and lose his mind on knowing what that person meant to her.

She looked here and there searching for the person near the hotel exit huffing badly.


She got lifted in air by strong arms and was twirled around.

She was then softly placed on land and got a kiss on her cheeks.

She saw the person and smiled to see his lovely face that she missed the whole day.




“How dare you touch her! you filthy..!” Amritha gasped getting shocked at the scene in front of her.

Sanal was beating the person with all his might, not giving a chance for the person to explain himself.

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An Ardent reader attempting to write her thoughts and experience