Chapter 6. Seraphim

She entered the temple premises to take the blessings from the almighty for her special day

The people around heard the slight tinkling sound of her anklets falling beautifully on her soft feet.

She had a serene feeling whenever she visited the temple. It kept her grounded to earth knowing that her roots are what make her.

“Ha! Lost again. You are really clumsy, Gaurav! Why don’t you join the gym to build your muscles! You know jump, skip a little to bring up your sagging underarms,” Benisha pulled his arms who hissed with pain at being lost again at arm wrestling with Benisha.

“Yeah, I am doing that. you know jump and skip the gym,” Gaurav gave his popular smile to gain a disgust face from Benny.

They were waiting for their friend to come out of the temple to resume their college routine.

“Ok, guys. Let’s go,” Prisha came out rubbing her palms with the sandal paste that she had applied on her soft forehead.

The Empire Hotel Corporation Office

Sanal was twirling the paper weight thinking hard on how to get his Ami back to him.

Dino was as usual playing his call of duty, snickering and making odd faces.

Sameer saw the two besties in a totally different aura. But he approached the human child and asked

“Sanal we want you to visit the Colombia conference this week on behalf of me. As you know we need to strengthen our international base, hm?” Sameer looked at his son zoning out still twirling the paper weight.

He nudged his Dino friend who looked at his uncle blinking his eyes to clear out his sight.

Sameer signalled him to check Sanal. He jolted Sanal who glared at him with a death stare. Dino gulped and pointed towards Sameer.

“Fine Dad. Whatever you want,” Saying so he moved out of the cabin followed by Dino who looked back at a tensed father.

Sanal took out his car and wanted to check Amritha in her university.

He wanted to talk face to face to clear his doubts with her.

Dino sat on the passenger seat and would glance at his bestie who stared at the road with a purpose.

“Sunny, I hope you know what you are doing? You don’t want your dad to flip? You get what I am trying to tell?” Sanal straightened his posture and scoffed saying

“I am not going to murder anyone. I am just gonna talk,” Sanal gave an assuring smile.

Even though Dino was not satisfied. He messaged Veena about Sanal’s whereabout and his plan.

Engineering College

Tanisha was applying her lip gloss waiting for her friend to come back from the class. She looked around the canteen and flipped her hair glancing at her Casio from time to time.

Shyam gave her the bouquet gaining a beautiful smile from his fiancé.

“Thanks, Shyam. You didn’t have to,” Amritha smelled the roses which were beautifully surrounded by dandelions, wrapped in a red bow.

“And why not. It is our third anniversary since I proposed you. Right here,” Amritha hugged him to convey her happiness to have such a loving partner.

She backed a little to get a sweet peck on her cheeks. She got startled by his acts and cutely glared at him. He chuckled at her shyness and told her that he would pick her at 6 in the evening for their party in the Grand Plaza hotel.

Both the families had decided to throw a grand feast marking the special day of the couple, inviting only close family and friends.

Vinay had strictly told them to not let the news get to a certain lover boy to endure his anger at their special day.

Sameer was somehow making arrangements to extend the meeting after 5 to keep his head strong kid in the office, busy.

Well, somehow Sanal came to know about their special date, when he reached the college to confront his Ami.

He twisted his fingers on the steering wheel turning his knuckles white and Dino tensed. He glared at the couple and how happy they were in each other’s arms.

Dino just prayed for him to not get out of the car and create a havoc.

Well, God had another plans.

Sanal couldn’t take it any longer and got out of the car after much attempts by his friend to not.

He marched at them and was thinking to rip that Shyam’s head off.


Both the bodies fell on their buttocks making one rub his chest and the other her forehead.

“Ow!” Sanal saw her making a hurt face clutching her forehead.

‘Her eyes. Wide hazel almond eyes. Sharp nose. Heart shaped plump lips. A face carved by the nymphs for its beholder to gaze at her for eternity!’

The only thing he could think at that moment, looking at her was – Une œuvre d'art.

He gulped to see a flawless face with the sandal paste tilak on her forehead. He assumed her to be a south Indian.

“Oi! Watch were you are walking, dude!” Benisha tried to pull her friend up. She tried to march at the stranger who managed to hurt her friend unknowingly.

Dino came in time to save his friend from the punches of an angry bull. Gaurav was trying his might to keep Benisha in place.

Sanal just couldn’t take his eyes off her who just rubbed her forehead. She suddenly realised him gawking at her. So, she broke the silence saying

“Sorry,” Sanal broke out of his trance and opened his mouth to negate her words. As he had bumped her watching somewhere else.

“Why you are saying sorry to this idiot?! He is the one who couldn’t watch where he was walking? Blind mute!” Sanal looked at her with scoff at her accusations. He towered her saying

“And who are you?” Benisha smirked at his words.

“Why don’t you find out in the ring? Dude!” Sanal smiled at her glancing her up and down. He pushed his cheeks with his tongue saying

“No, I don’t fight girls,” Benisha angered at his words and tried to punch him. Prisha came in between them and started backing Benisha a little by little.

She looked back and said

“Please, Sir. Go away from here, before she beats you to pulp!” Sanal half smiled at her concern and nodded at her words to assure her.

Dino saw their interaction and smiled at his friend being love struck for the first time. He never had smiled like that to even Amritha, ever.

Sanal saw her fade away with her soft baby hairs moving slightly from her face. Her hair were trying hard to cover her wide back yellow anarkali kurta. Her yellow dupatta was moving with her ponytail hair flowing with the wind. Last he saw her anklets which were quite visible because of her palazzos.

Her soft feet were painted with mehndi marking that she was celebrating a special day.

Sanal went towards his car and sat on the driver’s seat. He couldn’t stop smiling and was amazed at how meticulously he had observed another female, which he had never done in his life.

He was an artist who adored various arts whether living or non-living. She was a work of art.

He shrugged his thoughts and drove off to the office to attend the meeting set by his superiors for the conference.

University Canteen

Gaurav sipped on his strawberry milkshake looking at Benisha cussing at Sanal. He shaked his head at her behaviour.

Prisha sat on her seat after putting the snacks tray on the table. She tsked at her friend who was still not over the incidence that happened in the Engineering college.

“Leave it, Benny! Gosh you are so…” Benisha glared at her friend who was moving the snacks around.

“You! It’s you! Who told you to go to visit your cousin in that stupid college, huh? Tell me?” Prisha was wide mouthed at her baseless accusations.

“So, it is my fault now, huh? I told you I had to invite her for my birthday party in the Grand Plaza. She was out of town. So, I could meet her only today,” Prisha was getting sad at her bestie’s behaviour towards her.

She folded her hands and looked sideways. Gaurav grabbed her shoulder which she removed softly.

Benisha felt bad at her anger burst which would blow at anyone in sight.

“Dude, I am sorry, ok? I was just pissed off at that idiot who hurt you. Just let me get my hands on him. I will ponder him to rubbles!” Benisha actioned her acts which she was planning to do on Sanal.

Gaurav handed her cold drink to cool her mind off.

Benisha grabbed it and sipped on it to cool herself.

Prisha and Gaurav glanced at each other and thought that it was time to sidetrack their bestie’s attention somewhere else.

“Hey, Gaurav. Did you watch yesterday’s WWE mania. It was awesome!” Prisha glanced at Benisha when talking to Gaurav who couldn’t take the hint.

Prisha signalled at the confused Gaurav who understood her idea and replied

“Yeah, I mean Mike Tyson was really good,” Gaurav got a kick in his leg for his foolishness. He tilted his head at Prisha who shaked her head at his clumsiness.

Benisha twisted her face and spoke

“WWE? Mike Tyson? Are you nuts?!!Idiot!” Benisha then explained the actual story of yesterday’s WWE in detail to her clueless friends.

Prisha smiled at her attempts to divert the attention off the stranger. The stranger who couldn’t take his eyes off her. She suddenly felt hot in the breezy weather, which puzzled her.

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An Ardent reader attempting to write her thoughts and experience