Chapter 10. Her Saviour.

Sharanya told the students to take him to the nearby police station and register a sexual harassment case on him.

The students were waiting for this. They didn’t waste any time and took the culprit by his collar.

“Um…students! Don’t manhandle him, Please!” The students looked at each other and nodded their head smirking at the request of their favourite Sonia Mam.

The Chancellor was quizzed at how she was able to catch hold of his lie so effortlessly.

To which Sharanya explained that one can never tell a lie backwards, even if they try to.

Sonia was amazed at Sharanya’s talent and thought about her invite to her house.

They both parted their ways in the evening, confirming the coming Sunday as their family lunch.

Nair residence

Sonia was explaining the incidence that happened in the university.

Vinay saw the enthusiasm in her face which she always has when narrating a story.

He smiled in between and saw how his wife had managed to put a pause at the kids who were listening to her so diligently.

He nudged Veena who was wide mouthed, jolting her. She passed the salt asked by her uncle going back to her aunt’s interesting tale.

“And then what? He was guilty as proved by Sharanya Mam. I tell you such type of men should be punished ruthlessly. Prison is not the answer for their crime, humph, bastard! That bloody…” Vinay cleared his throat to make his wife stop cussing before the children would burn their ears.

Sonia slumped on the chair after taking the roti in her plate. The others too resumed their eating taking the hint from their strict uncle.

Vinay’s room

“Don’t forget to break his legs along with his arms, when you find him. I don’t want him to walk till he realises that not everyone keeps mum at the horrible acts pulled by bastards like him,” Dan agreed at his boss’s command. Vinay kept the phone aside and felt two soft hands caressing his chest.

He smiled and pulled her in front of him, caressing her soft cheeks.

“Did you call Dan, now?” Sonia caught him who had tried to hide his mafia activities from his clever wife.

“Um…yeah. We were discussing the trip next week for the Colombia conference. I was explaining to him to strengthen the security in the university,” Vinay plugged his mobile to the charger. Sonia moved in front of him with her hands on her hips.

Sonia looked at his eyes and spoke

“University?” Vinay tried to mumble some assuring words to calm his enraging wife.

Sonia had taken his promise to stay from her work place. Especially his mafia clan. But since he was over caring husband who doesn’t think of anything but the safety of his family, would never listen to her at times.

“Listen, Reine! I am doing it for your safety ok? I care about you,” Vinay then took her in a hug moving her side by side.

Sonia then calmed at his trick and then told him that he need not worry. As Sharanya had taken care of the situation by sending the culprit to prison for good.

Vinay raised his eyebrows and got caught in another line of praises for her new catch of the day – Sharanya.

He left her knowing exactly where this conversation was leading and tried to sleep, if he could.

Sonia babbled till she felt asleep with her husband hugging her back, snuggling in his favourite place – her wavy hairs.

Varma’s house

Pradeep clutched a tensed Prisha, sitting on the couch who looked at her brother.

Uvika was caressing her mom-in-law’s arms at the news.

After hearing that Prisha was harassed while coming home, the family members rushed home to console their dear Ishu. 

Apparently Benisha and her were supposed to hit the gym, but Prisha was feeling tired. So, she opted to leave for home using the public transportation.

In the bus, some nuisance makers suddenly started teasing her which she ignored. But they didn’t leave even after she got down at her bus stop. After seeing her run, they chased her till her mansion gate.

She somehow managed to enter the gate and close it on time.

But she was quite shaken by the act. She called her brother who rushed home to console her.

“But this is a safe colony. How come they entered here. and that too in broad daylight! How daring?!!” Sharanya explained her thoughts to the people in the room. Uvika tried to calm her raging mom-in-law.

Pradeep knelt in front of his daughter who was crying inaudibly and asked

“Can you recognise them, kanna?” Prisha looked at her father and nodded.

Pradeep patted her palm and looked at his son who understood the assignment.

“Ravi, get the boys. I will send you the footage of the front gate. Get them by scanning their faces and bring them to the warehouse asap!” Previn gave an assuring look to his dad.

Pradeep took his daughter and went to her room. He told the maid to bring her a glass of warm milk.

After drinking the milk, he made her sleep on her bed and caressed her hairs as she slept on his lap.

Sharanya looked at the scene standing on the doorway.

Uvika asked her why did the men chased her all the way from the college? How did they come to know about her college? And why did they follow only her?

Sharanya thought about the questions raised by her smart daughter-in-law.

She went to convey her thoughts to Previn who thought about the facts.

He assured them saying that he would find the truth and protect their Prisha to the fullest.

The next day,

Previn dropped Prisha to college and told her to call him asap if she feels any discomfort.

Her family had opted her to stay in the house for few days till they catch the culprit. But since her finals were starting she didn’t want to miss her classes and assignment submission.

Prisha saw Benisha and Gaurav who took her in a group hug.

“Don’t worry, Ishu. We will not leave your side. And I am sorry for abandoning you yesterday like that. I should have dropped you home in my bike. Oh so, stupid of me!” Benisha cursed herself for ignoring her friend after the college incidence.

“It’s ok, Benny. How would you know that hooligans had planned to attack me in the bus? So, no problem. You can drop me today, ok?” Prisha hugged her bestie, who was sulking at her stupidity.

“But, my question is, how come they followed only you? And moreover, they dared to reach your house, I mean considering the fact that your dad… I mean I don’t get it,” The trio thought over the question laid by Gaurav who was trying to connect the dots.

After the classes, Benisha had to collect her reports from the professor regarding her score chart for the semester. So, Prisha waited outside the library for her with Gaurav.

“Hey, What is today’s date?!” Suddenly Gaurav asked Prisha who looked in her mobile and told him.

“The 15th? The 15th?!!! Holy sh….! I was supposed to submit my project today! Great! Ms. Nalini is going to kill me! She extended the date for me,” Prisha was shaking her head at the usual goofups that their goofball friend would end up doing.

“Ok, then. Give the project. What is the worry?” Gaurav gave her a ‘what’ look at her carefree words.

“My project! The one I kept at HOME!!! That one!!” Prisha did an ‘ohhh’ face to which he started sweating.

Prisha told him to take Benny’s bike and bring the project to submit on time.

Gaurav immediately snatched the bike keys and ran for his life…I mean file….

Prisha was amazed at his skill to survive college for so long.

Benisha came out twisting her face to which Prisha asked the reason. She showed her score chart making Prisha grab her shoulders to visit the canteen to boost her morale.

In the canteen

Benisha was sulking at the border score that she got for her project.

Prisha was consoling her and telling her that at least she tried to fulfil her parents dream. If she is not able to excel in academics, she can go for the boxing training that she had halted in the name of examinations.

Benisha agreed to her suggestions.

Prisha excused herself to the ladies room taking her bag.

In the washroom, Prisha came out and washed her hands, drying them.

She looked in the reflection of the mirror and was horrified.

The same men who had chased her where standing behind her ready to pounce.

She thought of a way to escape and skilfully removed the pepper spray.

She immediately turned and sprayed the full content on their faces.

She ran for her dear life, forgetting the fact that her fighter friend was just around the corner.

After coming out of the campus, she turned left and ran ignoring their call to wait.

Engineering college

Outside the campus

Dino was munching on the peanuts and watching his friend eyeing the college gate without blinking from across the street.

He shaked his head at his friend’s hopeless love story with no end to his haughtiness.

Sanal had reached the college to have a one-o-one with his Ami and ask her to choose the right partner for herself – him.

Dino tried to convince his head strong friend to stop the nonsense but it fell on deaf ears.

3 pm

The students started flowing out of the college premises like waterfall. Sanal waited for his Ami to show up.

4 pm

Even the snacks stall had packed their stuff to move for the day.

Our lover boy stayed back, still hoping to see her.

Dino got up from the back seat and put his hand on his bestie’s shoulder saying

“What if she didn’t come to college and went on a date with her fiancé?!!” Sanal looked at him with a glare removing his hand.

He thought about the possibility. He tsked and moved to enter the car. When…

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An Ardent reader attempting to write her thoughts and experience