

Copyright ©️ 2022

Supriya P.L.

All rights reserved

* Any reproduction or copying of this book or any part of it thereon is strictly prohibited. This is a work of fiction, the place, incidents and characters mentioned in this book are fictional. Any resemblance to this in real life is purely coincidental.

* No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means inclusive of photocopying, recording or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior knowledge and written permission of the writer except in critical reviews and certain other non commercial uses permitted by copyright law. 

* Kindly excuse for any grammatical or spelling errors.

*Mean comments are always acceptable as long as it does not hurt the feelings of the writer and her readers.

* Any pictures or videos used in this book or any part of this is not owned by me. All the credit goes to the real owners.

*The Book cover and Character aesthetics has been designed by me using Canva app as suggested by Wattpad.


This book contains mature themes like adult contents, violence, and may more adult themes. Viewers discretion is advised 🔞

So, kindly no hatred towards the story or the characters. The chapters are written to explain the built up of the storyline. So, if you are uncomfortable with the above mentioned themes than this book is not for you.

And English is not my first language, kindly excuse for any vocabulary mistakes in the chapters or the entire story.

You have been warned.

Hello my dear Readers

The story of two individuals who venture into their new journey of love❤️❤️

Do give your support and love for their second chance ❤️

Lots of love 💖

Take care 💖

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Hello.... Hoping that you like my stories. I would like to extend this small gesture from you, for the efforts that I have taken to procure such stories comprising of romance, thrill, drama and mafia. It would encourage me to write even more exciting stories and present it to you in its fullest form. Lots of Love. 💕 Take Care. 💕

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An Ardent reader attempting to write her thoughts and experience