Chapter 2 šŸŒ¹


10 am

Kansya Steel industries Ltd.

ā€œBaby! Why are you so stressed?! I know that you have so much responsibilities regarding office and then your houseā€¦ā€ Yogita waltzed her way into the VC cabin of the Kansya Steel industries Ltd.

Harish tsked at her intrusion as he was trying to figure out a solution to his secretary issue and on top of it Hardik had denied to help him out.

It was obvious for Hardik to act like that, as he had tried to make his stubborn brother understand the intensity of hiring the new employees and then terminating them at the slightest mistake.

Harish tried to control his anger but every time he would picture her face. Her calm, serene smiling face would trigger his sense to the extent of missing her more.

He had kept a pic of hers in his office desk to look at it whenever he felt vulnerable.

His room was filled with her stuffs; from her dresses to her hair clips. All were kept in its place with special mention to the maids to not move any of them anywhere.

He had managed to survive so long under the pretext of work pressure. But at times, he used to just lose it.

At times like this, he used to visit his dad and Himanshu to reminisce their lost bonds and even to just relax his tangled brain.

Yogita tried to sit on his lap to which he jolted up from his seat to avoid her advances.

After Piaā€™s news, Yogita had been the mental support for Harish which he needed at that time.

His closeness was misunderstood by Yogita who thought for him to express his love for her.

He wanted someone to console him and tell him that everything will be alright.

Yogita used to make him lose his tired muscles through yoga and meditation. He at times used to jog with her and spend some friendly time with her by going on coffee breaks, lunch and occasionally dinner.

This was taken as a gesture of love advances by Harish which Yogita wanted to reciprocate by giving herself to him.

One time, she even expressed directly to him about her inner feelings of being his physical support too. Harish was shocked at her revelations, but he denied it saying that he was already heartbroken and didnā€™t want physical pleasure to be an escapism for him.

Yogita however, didnā€™t give up and would try every time to win his heart with her flirtatious ways.

She would suddenly barge into his office under the pretext of checking his health and spend the whole day with him.

Initially he liked her company, but when he saw that she meant to be more than friends. He tried to keep his distance from her as much as possible.

ā€œYogita, I donā€™t have time now. I need to recheck these documents before sending them to the finance department. So, if you pleaseā€¦ā€ saying so, Harish tried to walk out of his cabin, when

ā€œI found somethingā€¦about her...ā€ Yogita blurted out to stop him, which he did. Harish walked towards her telling her to continue.

ā€œSheā€¦umā€¦might be still alive! You know the fire might have not consumed her,ā€ Yogita turned her back to frame her lie.

Harish held her shoulders and asked her ā€œHow can you be so sure? I mean I saw the fire burned down the cabinā€¦brutallyā€¦there is no wayā€¦ā€

ā€œWhat if there is? What if she is being helped by someone? What if she wanted you to believe that she is deadā€¦toā€¦you knowā€¦ā€ Yogita slyly brushed her hands on his broad shoulders, taking in his toned muscles which she liked.

Harish was thinking on her words and didnā€™t notice her getting closer to him.

He jolted her hands and walked sideways brushing his chin.

ā€œSo, thenā€¦why did she not come back to meā€¦if she is alive, she would definitely come back to meā€¦*scoff* are you sure whatever you are saying is the truth, Yogita?ā€ He marched at her making her tense at how to cover up on her blatant lie.

She looked here and there smiling. Then she suddenly spoke ā€œā€¦for revenge?! And what else would be the reason for her to not come back to you?ā€

Harish looked straight in her eyes trying to decipher her words. He bend down to her face level scrunching his eyebrows and saw that she was telling the loose facts which might be true. But how?

He scoffed at her, holding his hips. Yogita knew that she needs to convince him little more to poison his mind against his precious Pia.

ā€œā€¦you separated her from her true love, her saviour, her husband to beā€¦. Abhishek,ā€ she whispered the words in his ears, slowly brushing his shoulders from behind. She saw that he was getting angered at the mention of his ark enemy, Abhishek Naik.

He suddenly turned and grabbed both her shoulders scaring her. But she liked his strong hold on her fragile self. Oh, how much she wanted him to have his way with her!!

She gazed at his manly features, tantalising her to her core. She didnā€™t budge from her stance and looked him up and down taking his hunky self.

ā€œIf you are telling the truthā€¦then she would come back to meā€¦to take revenge? Then I am ready for her. Because I know very well how to tame my Pia. My angry, stubborn and headstrong Pia, hm? Yogita Naik?ā€ he then jolted her free getting an angry gaze from her.

It was not an easy task to play with the mind of a business tycoon. He had learnt the hard way to trust only himself and nobody else when it came to gathering evidences about his family.

So, whenever Yogita used to try to tangle his brain with her venomous talk about his Pia, he knew to first consider the facts, gather the evidence and then decipher them himself than depending on others.

He scoffed at her and moved out with his documents not before

ā€œā€¦and if at all, you are telling the truthā€¦I want evidenceā€¦hardcore proof of itā€¦no fibbingā€¦no loose strandsā€¦ok? Miss Yogita. See you in the eveningā€¦in the gym!!ā€ Ā 

Yogita banged the desk with her fist, getting annoyed at his audacity to reject her. Every time, he used to dodge her advances, her moves on him. She was not understanding why he was still waiting for her. Here, a young talented, sexy woman is offering herself to him and he is still pinning on her ā€“ the brainless, stupid and arrogant, Pia.

She thought to relax herself and then approach in a different way.



Ashley was talking to Rashmi, asking her about her health. Rashmi had come to the prestigious five-star hotel Passione for her client meeting. As she was waiting for her driver, she went to the managerā€™s desk to chat with her favourite person.

Rashmi knew the struggle Ashley was going through to keep up with her job and studies. So, she had adoration and respect for Ashley apart from the fact that Ashley would always help her clumsy sister.

ā€œTai? What are you doing here?!ā€ Rashmi smiled at Ashley whose eyes widened looking at owner of the voice.

Rashmi then looked at her careless sister who was ignoring the warning signals from her bestie.

ā€œHmā€¦Sweetie. I can ask you the same question? What is my sister doing with her Canon EOS in the hotel WHEN SHE IS SUPPOSED TO BE ATTENDING HER CLASSES?!!ā€ Rashmi started with a soft tone to low bark at her reaching the last sentence.

ā€œUm..I-iā€¦umā€¦wellā€¦the thing isā€¦umā€¦Iā€¦hadā€¦classesā€¦butā€¦itā€¦gotā€¦umā€¦umā€¦ā€ Sara was trying to find the right word and looked at her friend. Ashley mouthed her ā€˜cancelledā€™ which she interpreted as,

ā€œHandled!!ā€ Sara gave a satisfying look to her Rashmi Tai who turned to Ashley, shutting her up completely.

Ashley shaked her head in disappointment and left the two sisters, to answer the intercom.

ā€œAhhhā€¦Tai! Leave my ears!! It is hurtingggggā€¦.ā€ Sara was screaming clutching her ears which were brutally getting twisted by Rashmi. Sara was careful to not hurt her grown belly and moved slowly enduring the pain.

When Rashmi was satisfied, she left her ears and huffed for a breather. Sara took her tired self and went to make her sit near the lobby lounge.

Rashmi drank the water from her sipper and looked angrily at her Sara. Sara apologised to her and told her that she had not skipped the classes.

Sara had a photoshoot work in the prestigious five-star hotel Passione with one of her clients. So, she had come to earn some extra bucks in her free time. Rashmi tsked at her reply and caressed her hairs.

ā€œSarojini! You donā€™t have to do this photography thing! You are going to become a lawyer! Then why this madness, huh?!ā€ Rashmi was trying to make her stubborn sister understand that her future lies in becoming a renowned lawyer and not some struggling photographer with no future.

ā€œTai! I told you na! This is just a hobby! I will become a lawyer. The best in town! You will be so proud of me, then! Who knows maybe better than Jiju!!ā€

Rashmi mockingly laughed at her words making her pout. Seeing that Rashmi kissed her forehead saying that she would be the proudest seeing her sweet sister being successful in life.

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An Ardent reader attempting to write her thoughts and experience