šŸ„€ Chapter 3šŸ„€

Hardik was taking Sanya for her regular check-up. He had informed Lucky to look into the assistantā€™s CV for Harish who was getting restless with the minute.

Sanya had hoped for a head strong person to join their office to bear the hard- and cold-hearted Harish and his attitude.

On a remote mountain top was a quiet cabin house with two men who were trying to cook their lunch amidst listening to the never-ending praises of the proud eldest son of the Joshi household.

ā€œThe well-known entrepreneur and Chairman of the Anand group on Wednesday shared an inspiring video on his public account with the message ā€˜So what happens that you cant see the world. Do something for the world to see youā€™. He further spoke that he has never seen a drowning business boost up in a matter of few months to climb the success tower. All thanks to the efforts being put forward by the new VC of the Kansya Steel industries Ltd., Mr. Harish Joshi!ā€

The news channel were flood with the praises for the young and dashing billionaire in the making. Hemant felt proud of his son but at the same time, felt that he was perhaps hiding his loneliness in the shadow of his ego and pride.

Ever since Pia had vanished from their presence, the two families were sulking everyday remembering their sunshine who would brighten up their day with her aura. Ā 

The worried father only wished his depriving and lost son to come out of his trauma asap to find peace.

ā€œDad, ready for fishing? I just called Bhuvan. He said our slot is being booked. If we hurry now, we can come back before sunset,ā€ Himanshu jogged to him carrying his fishing equipment while typing away in his phone.

Hemant hummed in return and got ready to relax his mind with his favourite sport ā€“ fishing.


Zack Studio

ā€œWhat the fish?!!ā€ Sara looked at the blackened photo print on Zackā€™s hand who was getting frustrated at her.

ā€œDoes it mean you ruined my photo?!!oh my god! Now what will I give for the ceremony! I should have gone to the studio as told by Rita! This would have never happened!!ā€ the old veteran grumbled at the youngster who were flabbergasted at his remark.

Apparently, Sara forgot to close the door of the darkroom when she rushed to take the call.

She tried to assure the old man that she would develop the negative again for a fresh photo. But the old man had to attend his ceremony in the evening with no time for coming back for the photo.

Sara told him that she would herself deliver the photo once it was developed. Zack in turn expressed his apology and told him that he would not take the developing charges from him.

As the old man descended the stairs of the photostudio, Zack moved his glare to Sara who pouted expressing her apology to him.

Zack was like a father figure to Sara, who had by chance got a job as photographer in his bankrupt studio. It was only after Sara joined him he saw his little shop flourishing with customers who only demanded Ms. Saraā€™s art of photography.

So, when the little girl made her first mistake he thought to let it loose. But not without a warning.

Sara picked her call from Rashmi who told her to reach home early as they had guest.

As the evening arrived, Sara was rushing to the mansion with adjusting her top as Rashmi had told her that they were having some of Abhishekā€™s guest for dinner.

Sara was able to dress formally from the studio itself, thanks to Ashley who rushed in with one of her spare dresses for her bestie.

As the maid opened the door, Rashmi glanced through her sister being on time to meet their special guest for the evening.

ā€œSara! Come honey, you are right on timeā€¦.ā€ Abhishek held her hand and bought her towards the guest, Edward and Taylor.


ā€œThis is Edward, my new assistant and this Taylor his half-brother who will be working with Ram for his firm,ā€ Saying so, Abhishek kind of forwarded Sara to greet the guest properly.


Taylor went forward to have a formal handshake with the smiling Sara, who looked at Edward who was just awestruck by her natural beauty.

Sara signalled him who woke up from his dream and took her warm handshake.

ā€œOk, shall we have our dinnerā€¦ā€ Rashmi came towards them with her hostess smile and signalled Sara to help her.

At the dinner table.

ā€œā€¦yeah, her name is Ella. She was my classmate, best friendā€¦you can sayā€¦she was with me from my childhood. You knowā€¦going through my tough and jolly times. We didnā€™t realise the deep love that we shared as we grew upā€¦it was really my good fortune to have her in my lifeā€¦ā€ Rashmi nodded her head at listening to Taylorā€™s praise his fiancĆ©, while having his salad.

ā€œEdwardā€¦are you also engaged or you knowā€¦have a girlfriendā€¦?ā€ Abhishek asked him but was signalled by Rashmi to stop his match-making trial on every boy he would deem to be perfect for his baby Sara.

Sara was just listening to their conversation while trying to type on her phone.

Apparently Monica was trying to call her to join the club. Sara was trying to convey her difficulty but Monica being the stubborn kid, kept on disturbing her with her ranted calls or messages.

Edward glanced at Sara and looked down blushing. He shaked his head as a no replying

ā€œā€¦umā€¦I wasā€¦but we separated coz, she wanted something moreā€¦from the relationshipā€¦and she wanted to just have ā€˜funā€™ and I am not that type of person to take someone, especially someone I love to just take our serious relationship as casualā€¦so, yeahā€¦we broke upā€¦and I went to pursue my dreams than exploring the wildā€¦*scoff*ā€

ā€œā€¦exploring the wild?...umā€¦you mean to sayā€¦you are a biologistā€¦orā€¦likeā€¦ā€ Sara asked him, earning the full attention from him.

ā€œā€¦*chuckle*ā€¦noā€¦not that sortā€¦I used to be a wildlife photographerā€¦soā€¦ā€ he then resumed on his salad, making a certain girl perk up on the word ā€˜photographerā€™ making a certain sister crease her brows and certain concerned brothers smile at the sweet interaction.

As Sara and Edward got a common thing to talk about, they kind of strayed away from the crowd and were chilling on the balcony of the hall.

Rashmi was mumbling on the Englishman who was making her little sister giggle like a small kid with his goddamn jokes and godly features. She was low screaming at her maid at not keeping the chicken in the fridge.

ā€œā€¦now what is it?...are you on your mood swings againā€¦honey, I told you to not work yourself out like thisā€¦ā€ Abhishek kissed her puffed up cheeks chuckling at her glare towards Edward who was sweetly talking with her little Sara.

ā€œā€¦why did you have to invite him here?! couldnā€™t you have discussed your business with the whitewash in your office!!ā€ Rashmi twisted her face at Edward, making Abhishek hug his sweet concerned wife.

ā€œ..Rushoo!! he is my new assistant and you always told me to build my relationship with the locals and theirā€¦contactsā€¦ā€ Rashmi gave a ā€˜whatā€™ look to her husband who gave her the lamest of the excuse.

She shrugged off his hands and moved to drink her batch of the chocolate drink tucked in her flask. Her pregnancy swings would often calm down with a hot chocolate drink.

ā€œā€¦I meant by your clientsā€¦not your workersā€¦Abhiā€¦I am not liking this at allā€¦*gasp* he is holding her hand?!!ā€¦I swear I am gonna smack him black and blue!!ā€¦ā€ Before Rashmi could approach Edward with her spatula, Abhishek took her in the laundry room closer to the kitchen.

Rashmi jolted out of his grip and crossed her hands over her huffing chest.

Abhishek tried to hug her but she stopped him by pushing his chest away with her palm.

ā€œAbhiā€¦I know he is your assistantā€¦but he doesnā€™t need to be so close with my sister!!...ā€ Rashmi was worried for her sister falling for a foreigner.

ā€œā€¦whatā€™s wrong with that?!!Rashmi, he is just trying to be friendly with herā€¦nothing elseā€¦ā€ Abhishek tried to make her understand the good deeds about Edward who was genuinely a pretty good guy.

Rashmi then went to take out the laundry from the washing machine mumbling ā€œā€¦I donā€™t careā€¦I donā€™t want him to be ā€˜friendsā€™ with herā€¦afterā€¦ā€

She dumped the basket on the counter, clutching her forehead remembering the trauma she was not able to come out of.

Abhishek back hugged her speaking ā€œBabyā€¦donā€™t you think she needs itā€¦I meanā€¦she is lonelyā€¦ā€

ā€œā€¦lonely?! She has friends! Abhi?!! Donā€™t tell me you are going to hook her up with himā€¦that whitewash!!! No way!!ā€ Rashmi turned around and pointed her index finger at him, warning him.

ā€œā€¦. what if I am, huh?!! Isnā€™t it time for her to find her life partner?!!Rashmi, she doesnā€™t need to suffer like thisā€¦.ā€ Abhishek tried to make her understand the loneliness carried by a young smart talented woman.

Abhishek had seen at times, a sulking Sara talking to her friends who would mention their boyfriends or crush.

It was true, Sara never had any boyfriends or even went for any dates. Thanks to her strict sister. Abhishek knew the rush that her growing womanly hormones were signalling her to have at least a companion to share her inner thoughts, if not being a couple.

But every time, Rashmi would object to her little sister being in any contact with the other gender. She was happy that Sara was able to spend her free time with her besties. Wasnā€™t that enough for her to have some social bonding if that is what Abhishek meant?

ā€œā€¦honey! She needs to have some male friendship to least know what kind of life partner she wants in the future?!!ā€ Abhishek was trying to let Rashmi understand the importance for Sara to know her likes and dislikes that she would want in her future partner.

Rashmi being the traditional one in her mind didnā€™t like this modern idea of Abhishek hooking her little sister with random strangers!

ā€œā€¦well, if that is the caseā€¦then we can go ahead with her proposalsā€¦you know we can contact my relatives in Indiaā€¦ā€ Rashmi then took out her phone from her dress pocket to call her aunt, when Abhishek snatched it away from her getting angry at the mention of the one place he didnā€™t wish to go.

ā€œā€¦not Indiaā€¦we decided Rashmi. We are not going backā€¦not with herā€¦.ā€ Abhishek was stern in his decision, making Rashmi gulp her dry throat.

She very well knew about his anger streak which would seldom come and go. But the mention of the traumatic incident was a trigger to both of them.

ā€œAbhi! We wonā€™tā€¦I justā€¦*sigh*ā€¦my aunt knows some of our relatives hereā€¦we can contact themā€¦and you knowā€¦Sara canā€¦ā€ Rashmi held his shoulders who turned his back at her not letting her see his tears.

ā€œā€¦no needā€¦I know what is best for Saraā€¦and she will date Edwardā€¦ā€ Abhishek then tried to move out of the laundry room, when

ā€œā€¦she is my sister!!...I will not let her through the trauma againā€¦ā€ Rashmi low screamed at him, who scoffed at her remark. He turned around and replied

ā€œā€¦you are still clinging to thatā€¦*chuckle*ā€ Abhishek told her the truth that she had forgotten with time.

ā€œā€¦you know she is!!ā€¦ā€ Rashmi replied to him with her red eyes and quivering lips, at which the poker-faced Abhishek hugged her replying.

ā€œā€¦I have made my decisionā€¦*backing a little* and I know the best for your ā€˜sisterā€™ā€¦ā€ he then pecked her forehead who could just shed her tears at the sudden realisation that Abhishek made to her.

Rashmi banged the counter with her fist when Abhishek would speak the truth and know the exact consequences of them going back to that infernal land.

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An Ardent reader attempting to write her thoughts and experience